
Therapeutic Uses

Digestion – Tansy has carminative properties that help to improve general digestion and also deal with common digestive conditions like flatulence and dyspepsia. It has also been used to treat stomach ulcers, cramping, pain and gallbladder issues. Tansy is also regarded to be an effective appetite stimulant.

Good for Intestinal Worms – One of the main historical uses of tansy was as a treatment for intestinal worms and some herbalists still use it for this purpose today. Because of its high thujone content, it is considered to be an especially effective remedy for numerous intestinal parasites. Unfortunately, its thujone content also makes it highly toxic and it is usually taken in lower doses in the form of a tea.

Stimulates Menstruation – Tansy is known to have powerful emenagogue properties. This means that it can help stimulate menstruation in women who suffer from irregular periods. Please not that it must never be used by women during pregnancy as it may also encourage abortion.

Kidney Stones – Since there is no research to accept this out, but tansy might have some value in treating kidney illness and helping eradicate kidney stones. Some experts recommend that tansy is combined with nettles to make a tea that can be drunk several times a day. Again, be careful not to overdo your consumption, even in tea form as the long-term use of moderate doses may also prove toxic.

Rheumatism and Arthritis – Tansy was historically used to treat painful joint conditions like arthritis and rheumatism. It is also occasionally used to treat other types of pain like migraines, headaches, sciatica and nerve pain.

Ayurvedic Health benefits of Tansy

  • Varicose veins – Infuse one tbsp of dried Tansy leaves in a cup of water. Filter and drink twice a day.
  • Rheumatism – Massage the affected area with tansy oil. It is good for external injuries.
  • Chicken Pox – Prepare an infusion of the leaves of Tansy. Have bath with this water daily.
  • Palpitation – Prepare a decoction of tansy leaves. Have it two times a day.
  • Small Pox – Make an infusion of the leaves of Tansy. Wash the affected area.
  • Ascaris – Intestinal worms may be treated by administering a combo of Tansy, wormwood and Chamomile.

Medicinal Uses: * Amenorrhea * Insect Repellent * Parasites/worms * Scabies

Tansy Side Effects: Perhaps the least savory uses of tansy was to end an unwanted pregnancy by drinking a strong tea made of tansy leaves and flowers. This can cause miscarriage and there have been reports of deaths in women attempting to use the tea as an abortifacient. Tansy essential oil is poisonous and should not be used under any circumstances. In large doses, Tansy becomes a violent irritant, and induces venous congestion of the abdominal organs.

Tansey Drug Interactions: Tansy might increase the sleepiness and drowsiness caused by alcohol. Do not drink alcohol and take tansy at the same time.