Therapeutic Uses
- Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Problems – In one study, participants who received rosemary aromatherapy for three minutes showed decreases in alpha and beta power, which suggests increased alertness. The also had reduced anxiety and exhibited better performance on memory testing. Rosemary is suitable for patients with Alzheimer’s disease because it is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor. COX-2 inhibitors have been proposed for use as drugs for Alzheimer’s disease. Rosemary contains natural compounds that inhibit COX-2 (apigenin, carvacrol, eugenol, etc.).
- Cancer – Research shows that rosemary has strong antioxidant effects. Animal studies indicate that rosemary can prevent cancer-causing chemicals from binding to and causing mutations in cellular DNA. This was later reconfirmed in human cells. Rosemary has been shown to inhibit the carcinogen aflatoxin from binding to liver cells and to prevent benzopyrene from binding to bronchial cells. These results show that its potential protective abilities go beyond one carcinogen and one type of tissue. Other research has found that whole rosemary extract can stimulate liver enzymes that diffuse carcinogens and reduce those enzymes that can enhance carcinogens.
- Circulatory Problems, Eczema, Rheumatic Disorders, and Sore Muscles – Rosemary baths stimulate blood circulation to the skin. This action helps the body to circulate the immune cells that cause eczema away from the skin and to circulate antibodies and other immune cells that fight infection to the skin. Rosemary contains camphor, which increases the blood supply to the skin. Using rosemary in the bath helps to reduce pain in rheumatic muscles and joints. Rosemary baths also help to improve disorders characterized by chronic circulatory weakness, such as low blood pressure, varicose veins, bruises, and sprains.
- Indigestion and Menstrual Cramps – Rosemary helps to relax muscles, including the muscles of the digestive tract and the uterus.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Rosemary relieves intestinal cramps and spasms. It also eases bloated feelings and stops flatulence. The bitter substances in rosemary stimulate the release of bile, aiding the digestion of dietary fat and lowering cholesterol levels.
Medicinal Uses: * Alopecia/baldness * Aromatherapy * Arthritis * Bronchitis * Cardiovascular * Cellulite * Christmas * Circulation * Colds * Culinary/Kitchen * Diabetes * Fatigue * Hair * Herbal Steam * Hypertension * IBS * Insect Repellent* Lice * Longevity Tonics * Lupus * Memory/Focus * Pain Relief * Rheumatoid arthritis * Scabies * Skin Care * Thanksgiving Harvest
Rosemary Leaf Side Effects: Do not use in excessive dosage. Avoid in cases of epilepsy.
Rosemary Leaf Drug Interactions: None noted