Therapeutic Uses
Rose petals are mildly sedative, anti-parasitic, and antiviral. They’re also mild laxatives, a good supportive tonic for the heart, and great for lowering cholesterol.
Anti-inflammatory – Taken internally, their anti-inflammatory properties make them a wonderful treatment for sore throats or ulcers. They can stimulate the liver and increase appetite and circulation.
Antiseptic – The antiseptic nature of rose petals makes them a wonderful treatment for wounds, bruises, rashes, and incisions.
Anti-spasmodic – Rose helps relieve spasms in the respiratory system (asthma and coughs), in the intestinal tract (cramping, constipation), and in the muscles (cramps and sports injuries).
Fever – Rose can also lower your body temperature and help bring down a fever or cool you off in the summer.
Medicinal Uses: * Anti–Bacterial * Anti–Depressant * Anti-Inflammatory * Antiseptic * Anti-Spasmodic * Anti-Viral * Aphrodisiac * Astringent * Cleansing * Digestive Stimulant * Expectorant * Increases Bile Production * Kidney Tonic * Menstrual Regulator * Sedative
Side Effects: None noted
Drug Interactions: None noted