Therapeutic Uses
- Burns – Raspberry leaf contains tannins, which may stop burns from oozing. The tannins cause proteins in healing skin to cross-link and form an impermeable barrier. However, human data are lacking for the use of raspberry leaf to treat burns.
- Diarrhea – The tannins in raspberry leaf prevent the flow of fluids into the intestines, which makes the stool more solid. Used as a tea, in doses of one to two cups, raspberry leaf helps to relieve diarrhea without stimulating contractions.
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) – Raspberry leaf contains tannins and flavonoids, which help the uterus relax to relieve menstrual cramps. At the same time as it relaxes the uterus itself, it stimulates the muscles that support the uterus. This may allow easier menstrual flow.
- Sore Throat – Its astringent properties justify using raspberry leaf tea as a mouthwash and gargle for mouth or throat inflammation.
Medicinal Uses: * Bed Wetting/incontinence * Diarrhea * Herbal Teas * Longevity Tonics * Menorrhagia * Pregnancy/Childbirth * Sore Throat
Raspberry Leaf Side Effects: The traditional use of raspberry is to facilitate childbirth. Never use raspberry leaves that are not completely dry, they temporarily develop toxins that can cause nausea.
Raspberry Leaf Drug Interactions: None noted