Lemon Verbena Leaf & Powder

Therapeutic Uses

Fever reducing, sedative, stomachic, antispasmodic in dyspepsia, indigestion and flatulence, stimulating skin and stomach. 100gm to 1 liter infused in hot water for 3- 5 minutes. Glass full 3 times daily. Has shown anti-candida albicans activity.

Medicinal Uses: *Anxiety *Asthma *Colds *Colic *Constipation *Culinary/Kitchen *Diarrhea *Fever *Gas *Hemorrhoids *Indigestion *Insomnia *Joint Pain *Nausea *Skin Conditions *Varicose Veins

Lemon Verbena Leaf Side Effects: Avoid use during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Contact allergic reactions have been associated with members of related species. Avoid in kidney disorders because lemon verbena is excreted through the kidneys.

Lemon Verbena Leaf Drug Interactions: None Noted