Jasmine Flower

Therapeutic Uses

Skin Irritations – The applications of lotions made from jasmine flowers to skin problems like sunburns and rashes have been widely noted. The juices of the flower are said to restore the skin’s moisture and elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and giving the skin a healthier look and feel.

Aromatherapy – The largest usage of jasmine can be found in aromatherapy. In this field, jasmine is said to have a calming, relaxing effect. In addition, the scent of the flower is said to help sufferers of depression find relief. It is used as an anti-depressant and even as a medicine to help users sleep better.

Aphrodisiac –In India, jasmine is said to be such a good aphrodisiac that the bride and groom’s bedroom are decorated with it for their wedding night.

Medicinal Uses: * Aphrodisiac * Aromatherapy * Ayurvedic * Beauty * Chinese * Dysmenorrhea * Facial Care * Female Hormones * IBS

Jasmine Flower Side Effects: None Noted

Jasmine Flower Drug Interactions: None Noted