Brown Jasper

Brown Jasper Associations

Chakras – Base
Zodiac – Jasper is not specific to any zodiac sign, but is thought to bring Cancer and Capricorn compassion and patience. Aries and Scorpio are also reported to benefit from any variety of Jasper.
Planet – Earth
Element –
Vibration – Number
Typical colors – ranges from deep chocolate brown, gold- to reddish-brown, to tan or ivory, and may contain other minerals or impurities that create its artful banding, rich flow patterns and veining. Brown Jasper is a major component in many Jaspers, including Picture Jasper, Bruneau Jasper, Bat Cave Jasper, Shiva Lingam Stone, and Elephant Skin, Spider and Dalmation Jaspers.

Healing with Brown Jasper

Brown Jasper, called Egyptian marble, was one of the traditional Jaspers in Ancient Egypt used for amulets, ritual vessels, and jewelry. Native Americans and other indigenous societies carved it into arrowheads for luck and protection, and utilized the stone to call in rain. A quintessential Earth Stone, Brown Jasper is deeply connected to the planet as “home,” and engenders security and protection, nurturing and healing. Today Brown Jasper promotes ecological awareness and is highly effective in alleviating geopathic and environmental stress. It cleanses the physical and emotional body of toxins and negative thought forms, and repairs the aura, bringing stability and balance. Its frequency facilitates deep meditation and centering, and grants access to past lives for karmic healing.

The stone does wonders to reduce restlessness and anxiety and helps you concentrate your feeling towards the things that need your immediate attention.