Blue Onyx

Blue Onyx Associations

Chakras – Throat & 3rd Eye Chakra
Zodiac –  Leo
Planet –
Element –
Vibration – Number 6
Typical colors – Onyx is a banded variety of the silicate mineral chalcedony. Agate and onyx are both varieties of layered chalcedony that differ only in the form of the bands: agate has curved bands and onyx has parallel bands. The colors of its bands range from white to almost every color. 

Healing with Blue Onyx

Blue Onyx– Happiness and good fortune Promotes Vigor and Stamina Helps Heal Old Grief and Sorrows Integrates Dualities Great for Past-Life Work.

Healing Properties ” Used in the treatment of disorders related to bone marrow. Onyx treats and aids disorders of the bones, bone marrow and blood.  It is beneficial for teeth and the feet.

Blue Onyx is most helpful for people who have the kind of lifestyle that forces them to work in a high pressure and stressful atmosphere.

Such people will find Blue Onyx to be a remarkable aid especially as a stress reliever because the energies embodied in this stone will alleviate your body and mind from the tensions that arise from the demands of life.

Blue Onyx will help you achieve a sense of balance between your body, mind, and soul, and harmonize your inner energies to strengthen your core.

The stone does wonders to reduce restlessness and anxiety and helps you concentrate your feeling towards the things that need your immediate attention.

Blue Onyx can be very beneficial for the teeth and bones, as well as the bone marrow. It can also help in the treatment of blood disorders and conditions affecting the feet.

It can promote physical strength and stamina, as well as vigor and steadfastness. It can also be beneficial in the treatment of glaucoma, ulcers, cell damage, and even epilepsy.

Blue Onyx can help with heart trouble and hearing problems.

It can also be helpful in strengthening soft tissues in the fingernails and improving the condition of the skin and hair.